
Night Time

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

I don't know what is it about the night,
if it's the stillness of the clouds, or the echoes in the sky.

All my thoughts throughout the day,
tend to unravel from my mind.

As if the night has the answers,
as if the night knows all my secrets.

I don't know if it is the stillness of the night,
that allows every whisper inside of me to become so loud.

It was as if the heart knew, that someone somewhere,
had been listening to every little thought that came to my mind.

And with this realization, I finally begin to understand why,
we have been encouraged to perform Tahajjud at night.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the night remains and says: Who will call upon Me, that I may answer Him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?" [Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

And I suppose this is why they say,
the doa' made at tahajjud, is like an arrow that never misses it's target.

I still struggle to rise for Tahajjud sometimes.
But if there is one thing I could share about the miracle of this ibadah is that,
we become a better version of ourselves in the day, with every single act of ibadah performed the night before.

It teaches the heart to be humble,
it eliminates our ego.

Waking up at 3 a.m in the morning is no easy feat.
To remove that comfortable piece of blanket away from our body requires little physical strength but still, we struggle to rise.

To pull ourselves up from bed requires little to no effort at all,
but still, we struggle to rise.

Why? Because standing in the night for prayers is an honour, sinners are unworthy of.
The sins we have committed in the day, restrains us from waking up to perform the ibadah at night. Could you bear to live with that?

I can't.

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