
This is my story

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: This is my story


Watch this. This video made my tears too heavy for my eyes to carry. It made me realise. The problems that I am faced with right now, is nothing than compared to the pain, that this little boy is going through. This is so sad. He is fighting back his own tears, and I could see that look of sadness in his eyes, so clearly. Gosh. I wish I could fly over to Syria right now, and give him a sisterly hug. Wah, I can't stop crying alreadyyyy. )'=

" Some people are questioning whether this story is true or not. But well, even if this story did not happen to this boy in particular, the same scenario took place in many homes in Syria, where fathers, brothers were killed. Mothers and sisters were raped and even children were brutally tortured and killed by the Syrian regime. The boy in this video is simply representing other kids in Syria. Please people, look at the big picture. Syria is bleeding. "

Whatever is happening to the world? </3

Okay, I may be faced with a hugeee family problem right now. But at least, I still have my family members around with me. I mean, hey. At least they're still alive. I guess, I'm still fortunate afterall. My parents are not on talking terms, but I'd still say alhamdulilah, for they are still alive. I still love you mum, & I still love you dad.

I'll pray that Allah will bring back the love, both of you once had for each other again. Mummy, daddyy. I'll be waiting for the day, where the 2 of you will start to love each other once agian. And mum, dad...I know you will not dissapoint me. Please be strong. I am trying my very best to hold on. I am not giving up on hope & likewise, I hope you will not give up too. My prayers, are with you.

O Allah, please have mercy on my family. Please do. <3

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