
Poor Me

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Poor me.

One. I nearly got hit by a car yesterday, and I ought to be glad because the car pulled back just in time before it hit me. I could've been dead. Astaghfirullah. It was partly my fault too. Okay to be honest, it was entirely my fault and I am entirely to be blamed;because I was careless and I wasn't careful enough. The driver wasn't at fault, at all. I came home late from school, and I was rushing for my Pergas class. & when I wanted to cross the road, I was thinking about my mum and dad; their not-talking-to-each-other-anymore issue. So, I totally, totally, totally, forgot to look left and right before crossing the road. Until I heard a loud honk, and there were ooohs and oiiis coming from the pedestrians behind me. The driver was of course, angry. And showed me his middle finger. But I was too troubled to even shout back at him. So I did the sorry sign and ran to the other side of the road.

I've never felt so sorry for myself, in my entire life. I was just an inch close to death. & after that incident yesterday, I realised; I haven't prepared enough for death yet. I was shocked, yes. And I wanted to cry. But there were so many people around me at that time. So I had to fight back my own tears as I made my way towards the Wisma Indah building for Pergas class.

Two. Early this morning, something really silly happened to me. I guess I just got unlucky, lol. Poor me. I was on my way to school and when I wanted to exit the train, somehowww, my handphone slipped off my hands and bam, it fell to the floor with a louddd thud. & for a moment, I thought that my one and only Samsung Galaxy phone was going to break into half. And I am glad that I made it out of the train alive, just secondssss, before the doors closed on me. That was a really close shave!

& that's not the end of the story. Usually, I hate to take the escalator down when there's too many people. Because I hate bumping into people and I don't want to risk bumping into guys; physically. So I took the stairs down instead. But unfortunately, somehow, the wires of my earpiece got entangled with a girl's bagpack who was walking down the stairs in front of me. So like a Mr Bean, I panicked, and I tried to entangle it away from her bag; without her realising it. It was harddd because I had to keep up with her walking pace. Anddd, I almost lost my balance on the stairs because she was walking down too fast.  -.-'

Three. & when I  arrived in school, I realised that I lost one of my Spongebob Squarepants keychain. I was soooo sad. I was sooo devastated! I wanted to cry, but some of my coursemates promised me that they will get me a new one for my birthday. Lol, so I wonder how many Spongebob Squarepants stuffs I'll get for my birthday this year. Geez. The Spongebob Squarepants keychains that I hang on my bagpack, they're all in a form of a mini plush toy. I have 3 of them. But one of them must've had fallen off from my bag while I was walking to school. So I'm only left with 2, for now. Sighhh. ]'=

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