
Plans Ahead

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Plans ahead

& just like that, 2011 is over. For some, maybe 2011 hadn't been a good one for them. For me fortunately, 2011 is the best thing that has ever happened to me. So many good things happened to me this year cos I got almost everything I wanted. & may peace be upon you 2012. A glimpse of what I want to achieve for this year:

1. Get a driving license.
2. Get a GPA score of 3.5 and above for every semester.
3. Save $100 monthly.
4. Have a fairer skin tone, lol.
5. Learn how to juggle the roles of a teacher & a student.
6. Go for silat trainings everynight.
7. Khatam Quran at least twice this year.
8. Have a more positive mindset.
9. Go to Australia!
10. Become a better Muslimah each day. Muhasabah, muhasabah, muhasabah.

Getting a driving license, haha. It's been on my wishlist since 2010. Then, I was still underage. I don't know if I have already met the minimum age requirements to take up the driving course because I'm still only 17, going on to 18. Some of my friends are already taking up this course, and I am sooo envious of them! But most of them failed the theory test, because they said it was hard. Okay it was hard because they didn't study for the test. Haha, I think I should put this driving license thing on hold first, because I doubt I have the time to go for the course. I'll be busy with work, Pergas SLPI, and school. So this, should be put on hold. Geez!

Getting a GPA score of 3.5 and above for every semester, hmm. Study break is over, and the Semester 2 examinations are just around the corner. I have many plans ahead in my mind that I would really like to do; my studies, my work, my character, my family, and many more. I've to get at least a GPA of 3.5 and above for the coming exam. The previous score was a 3.0, and that was really purely through luck. I didn't really study, lol. Okay I did, but it was all a last minute revision. Maybeee, I should start memorising all the important facts and terms now. Guess I won't be getting much sleep anymore! I don't really like doing lesson-plans because it is sooo tedious. But lol, for as long as one is still a teacher, one can never escape from the tortures of having to come up with the weekly lesson plans. A teacher will basically have to come up with lesson plans, for throughout the rest of their whole life, lol. And there's a school overseas trip that's coming up for us Year 2's! Trip to Australia! I hope I'll get selected for the trip!

Having to play the role of a student during the weekdays, and play the role as a teacher during the weekends, is no easy feat. I've just been called up to attend a meeting with the mosque committee members on this Saturday at 10am. I'm so nervous because I will be meeting with the chairman of the mosque. I don't know what to expect. So I asked my dad because he is used to going for all these meetings at Assyakirin and told me not to worry because it is nothing serious. The most that they are going to do; is to get me to introduce myself to everybody. Uh, what will their perception be of me if they come to know that I'm actually not a full-time madrasah student? Will they doubt my ability to teach because of my age? Hmm, think positively Susu!

Oh and I think I'm reallyyy silly because during the interview the other day, I forgot to ask the Ustazah about my salary. Gawd! But I asked a friend of mine, who's teaching the aLIVE curriculum as well during the weekends as a part-time asatizah at Ar-Rabitah mosque, about her pay. It was $500 per month. I don't know how much my pay will be. Maybe I'll get lower than her, because she's from a full-time madrasah, but I come from an academic secular background. Equipped with only Pergas SPI as the highest level of Islamic Education that I have for now, lol I really don't know how much they are going to pay me. But whatever amount of salary that I receive, I have and I must donate at least $10, or even more(if I could afford it), to charity. I'll save $100 into my bank account monthly, and then maybe give $100 to my parents and $10 to my sister. Hehe!

And now, silat trainings. Finally! I know some steps in Silat, yay! For a start, my dad taught me how to do Silat Pengantin. I tried it out 2 nights ago & it was pretty awesomeee. And I'll have to make it a routine to do Silat practise everynight, under the supervision of my dad of course. It helps me to keep fit, & Silat teaches me a lottt about self-discipline and perseverance. I wanna acquire the basic skills of self-defence, for the sake of self-protection. I think it is important for every lady to be equipped with basic self-defence skills.This; is never to show off, no. This practise keeps me healthy and happy; both physically, & mentally. & I really look forward to a whole new Susu, insyaAllah. A healthy Muslimah I shall be!

Yes, and I hope I'll get to Khatam the Quran at least twice this year. I don't know if I can achieve this. But I keep telling myself that Susu, it doesn't matter how fast or slow you go, for as long as you maintain the istiqamah. That is all that matters! And yes, I have to do self muhasabah everyday. I'll prolly do it everynight before I go to bed. Do some self-reflection for the day, and think about some areas for improvement. I wanna live positively. I don't think I ought to complain and whine anymore. Because if even the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, the most beloved to Allah, was greatly tested with all sorts of tests but yet he was able to endure every single moment of it bravely, who am I then to complain?

& so I guess, all this pretty much summarises what I want to achieve for 2012. So brothers and sisters, what are your plans for this year? Have you thought of one? Geez in life, it is important to plan. So we know where we're heading, and we'll feel a sense of accomplishment when we get to achieve what we want to achieve.b Planning is sure as easy as ABC, but executing it out may be a little hard. But well, nothing in this world is easy if it success that we want to achieve. So will I pull this through? InsyaAllah, kun fayakun! =]

Do the people think they will be left to say; "We believe", and they will not be tested? [Al-Ankabut, ayat 2]

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