
My Companion

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: My Companion

I've abandoned my Piano for far too long. & I don't even know where my Violin is, lol. The Piano that I have at home, it is still in good working condition. But it's there, just for the sake of display because I hardly play on it anymore now. It's sad, really. The Piano, the Violin and I, we used to be close to one another. Like really, really close. We have this special relationship with each other. But over the years, as I grew older, we drifted apart.

I miss performing in an orchestra, & I still do. Once, I was appointed by my music teacher to take up position of a Concert Master for the orchestra that I was in. & I felt really honoured because only the best musicians, will get the chance to take up this prestigious role.

But it wasn't long before I was 'sacked' & I went back to becoming an ordinary Violinist in the orchestra. But at least I still get to perform seated at the front row, so it is still not so bad, lol. Because musicians seated at the front rows, are usually the best players in the orchestra.

The reason why I got sacked was becauseeeee, a newbie; a music prodigy came into the orchestra and he eventually stole my limelight away, lol. I was depressed for a moment but well, being the strong girl that I've always been(haha!), I soon got over it and got my feet back up again. So I hated my music teacher for being so biased with me for that. But I've forgiven him already, lol.

Hmm. I was better at Violin, than I was with Piano and my music teacher found that weird. Because Violin is a hundred times a lot more harder to play, than compared to a Piano. Let me recall some facts. The Violin is only made up of 4 strings. G-string, D-string, A-string, and E-string. Each string, has got 4 basic notes. G1, G2, G3, G4. D1, D2, D3, D4 etc. Well actually they can even go up to as high as G8. But you'll learn that only when you are at the advanced stage.

Then comes the G1 sharp, G1 flat. G2 sharp, G2 flat and it carries on. Then comes the bowing part. It takes time and talent, for one to really master the art of bowing. There is a proper way to how you should hold it. It is really hard to master the right bowing technique at first; because both you have to coordinate your wrist and your elbow,to be flexible as you bring the bow them upwards and downwards. It should not be too rigid. The more flexible your wrists and elbows are, the sound produced will be better.

Piano is a lot more easier to play, but the music notes are harder to read. Violin is harder to play, but the music notes are easier to read. Which explains why I was better at Violin, than I was with the Piano. The Piano, there are 88keys in all. The following keynotes; C, D, E, F, G, A, B; they make up one octave of the Piano. & then you just play them accordingly.

Back then, I used to think that music was my everything. Music can help one to feel at ease, & I bet many of you would agree. I was sooo obsessed with classical music that forgot to fulfill my responsibilities as a Muslim. But lately, I think I might have found a better companion. And it is a companion like no other, for it is something that came right from the above; from the Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim. & yes, it is the Al-Quran Nur Karim. If music helps me feel at ease, the words in the Quran helps my heart feel at peace.

Actually there is music in Al-Quran too y'know. Not literally but well, go master the art of tarannum, and you'll be amazed at the beauty of its tune. But of course, the laws of tajweed have to be mastered first, right from the very beginning. I want to learn the Quran inside out, but I think it's gonna take years for me to accomplish that dream. Slowly Susu, slowly insyaAllah. You still have a longggg way to go. But if there's a will there's a way. So hold on tightly to the teachings of the Al-Quran, and you can be assured that you will never go astray. <3

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