
Learn to let go

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Letting it go

To give up is easy.

I can never stay angry for too long, lol. Today, I learnt the art of letting go. After Zohor today, I sat down on my prayer mat, closed my eyes, & I emptied my mind from everything. Then, I chanelled my mind to think about Allah. In my heart, I did this zikir; Ya Allah, Ya Lathief, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim repeatedly. After days of doa-ing, surprisingly, both parties came forward and apologised to me. I shall not elaborate on the details because it's going to be a reallyyy long long long story. This is like  a dream come true. No, no. It's like a doa' come true. I didn't expect my doa' to be granted that fast. Subhanallah! Thank you Allah, thank you.

I've come to a decision. From this day on, I am not going to run away from my problems anymore. I am not going to go hide in one corner, and cry till my eyes go blind, and gain sympathy from people all over the world. I'm going to face this strongly, even if it means for  me to fight it all alone. Anger is bad, so I dumped anger away. &I don't want the feeling of hatred to build up inside of me, so I changed hatred into love. The outcome? A more happier me, alhamdulilah. =]

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