
The Beautiful Ladies

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: The Beautiful Ladies

28 December 2011, marks the end of our Pergas SPIe class. It's been a long journey. We've come this far, and it's finally time for us to bid farewell. Throughout my one year of being in this class, it's been a memoroble one. I met many new friends, and the best part is, being in this class has helped me to increased my level of eeman, and it made me feel closer to Him. I always looked forward to coming for this class on every Wednesday and Friday evenings because it is the only time, where I get to put my mind at peace, and gain more ilm' about Islam. It's very relaxing, and it's nothing stressing. Unlike school, lol.

The ladies in the class, I think we've formed a special bond. I've treated them like my own family. Although Kak Dee Jah dropped out of the course a month after Ramadhan due to her dad's passing away, we're still in close contact with her via Facebook. If I could still remember correctly, the first person who I talked to during the very first day of Pergas class, was Kak Ain. I was seated alone and she came up to me, smiled, and asked if she could sit next to me. I said, oh okay. Haha and soon, we started talking and we became really close eversince. However, our friendship was put to a test one day. I got really sad, and I nearly cried. I felt so hurt, so so so hurt. Because I wasn't even at fault. But she eventually made it up to me, redha, and said sorry. And then everything was back to okay. I have to say, this little incident,  made our friendship stronger in some way.

And then, I got to know Cik Mariani. I would take the train home with her everynight. She lives in Bukit Gombak, while I live in Woodlands. So we took the same train together. I've treated her like my own mother already. She's so caring and is alwasy so concerned about my well-being. When I was faced with some difficulties in life, I confided in her and to my surprise, she's pretty good at giving advices. I remembered how, she told me about her love-life. How she ended up marrying a husband. It was islamically romantic. She cried, when she narrated her love story to me. So I've seen through her tears, and she has seen through mine. As I was weak in Tajweed, Cik Mar would always help me in the areas that I was weak in. I really have to thank her for that.

Kak Hidayah on the other hand, I wasn't really close to her because she's pretty quiet and would often keep things to herself. But over the months, we bonded pretty well because we have one thing in common; we're cat-lovers! And she owns one at home. Once, she cried because her cat sorta ran away from home and it went missing, just like that. So we talked things out, and she has since adopted a new pet cat. Plus, she is extremely kind too. She often would give us a lift in her car, and drop us off at Lakeside Mrt, whenever she drives. And I love her to bits.

Kak Rahiza & Kak Dee Jah, the bubbly one. They both were from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, and they took Early Childhood Education too! So each time the 3 of us get together, we always would have sooooo many things to talk about. Haha, and they were the ones who introduced me to Iyad Child Development Centre. I love them tooooo.

Well I guess that's it for now. And oh yes. I'm extremely happy toooooo because I just received a letter from Pergas. My application for Sijl Lanjutan Pengajian Islam have been accepted. Orientation will be held at Madrasah Al Junied on the 8th of January 2012. I took the Express route, which will last for 1.5 years. The normal route will take 3 years long. So the classes will be conducted at Wisma Indah. It's gonna be hectic, but Imma pull this through! Make doa' for me!

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