
Tajweed oh Tajweed

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Tajweed oh Tajweed

Tajweed headache. I need tajweed tuition I think. But I need it to be conducted in English. The malay explanation is a little too confusing for me. Oh no, oh no. I'm like seriously lost in class. For instance, Ustaz would go like: okay ni huruf mim mati, and I'll be like: huh, how is it possible for the letter mim to die?

I think, I want to reject the job offer as a weekend part-time aLIVE teacher and attend tajweed classes instead. I have to work on my tajweed, before I can go in depth into tarannum. I just realised how important it is, to be able to recite the Quran well with the right tajweed.

The way I see it, the ilmu of tajweed is like mathematics; well sort of. Because it's either you know it, or you don't. In maths, there are tons of formulas for you to memorise. Likewise in tajweed, there are tons of hukums that you need to know as well. But then again, I was told that tajweed isn't all about memorising. It's all about understanding. Right. But that is not going to help, because I'm quite a slow learner.

Although I find it really hard to master the ilmu of tajweed, there is just something about tajweed that makes me want to know more about it; in depth. I think it is going to take years for me to really master this skill.

Its okay Susu, let's start from the very bottom first. We'll climb up slowly, together. For now, people can laugh, mock, & make fun of you for not excelling in tajweed, but just hang on in there Susu, & persevere. Prove your worth to these people that someday, you can be a pro in tajweed too. Allah ma'ak.

I'm having sucha hard time to understand Tajweed that I hate myself sooo much for being such a slow coach. But despite all that, you gotta love yourself Susu because if you don't, then who will?

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