
I can't make up my mind!

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: I can't make up my mind!

This knee injury brought luck to me! Alhamdulilah, checked my email and found this. Weeks back, Darul Makmur proposed me to become their part-time aLIVE trainer during the weekends. I told the Ustazah that although I was keen to accept the job offer, there is just one thing that bothers me.
Standing at only 17 years old of age, with only a Sijil Pengajian Islam(SPI) from Pergas, as the highest level of Islamic education that I have for now, do I still qualify to be an aLIVE part-time trainer? So I waited for her reply. I waited for sooo long that I thought, nah obviously they wouldn't wanna hire me, because I lack the qualifications. It's been close to a month and finally she replied me today:

Salam dear sister,  I apologize for my late reply. InsyaAllah we will conduct an interview session for you soon. With regards to your queries, if you are willing to further your studies in Islamic Knowledge, I think there shoud be no problem. Because next year, MUIS will be conducting this FIVE (Foundation Islamic Value Education) program specially for our aLIVE asatizahs who are without the ARS (Asatizah Recognition Scheme). It will be conducted twice weekly in the evening for a period of about 2-3 months. May I have your date & time for our interview session? & we would appreciate it if you could bring along photocopies of your certificates during the interview as well. Syukran, and we look forward to hear from you soon. 

 Uh-oh. This sounds too good of an opportunity to be missed. I'm in a state of shock. There's so many factors for me to consider. I've to balance between my academic studies, ukhrawi studies, and now this job offer. Last night, in a previous blog post, I think I mentioned about how I want to give this job opportunity a miss because I wanted to go for a Tajweed class instead, I thought she must have had forgotten about me already. This afternoon, when I received the reply, again, I find myself to be in a state of confusion.
The FIVE course itself, will be conducted twice weekly during the evenings. Pergas SLPI(Sijil Lanjutan Pengajian Islam), which I have already registered for, too will be conducted twice weekly. Oh no, school commitments, SLPI commitments, and now this? Should I just reject this job offer? Without a doubt, I'll definitely be the youngest participant in the FIVE course. That's going to make me feel awkward too. And I come from a secular academic school. I think most of the participants there will be students from full-time madrasah schools. Allah, just what is it that You have in plan for me? ]=
Personally, I don't think I am ready to teach yet; although I want to. Lol but because I'm young, and I'm still schooling, I'm afraid that I might not be able to commit myself to this job.  Oh gawd. I think I should I do my isthikharah first before coming to any fixed decision. Make doa' for me! I really don't know what I should do for now, except to do my isthikharah.

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