

In the name of Allah,The Most Gracious,The Most Merciful

Title: Hope

Allahuakbar. I dislocated my left knee, by accident. X-Ray and MRI scan comes next. I don't know why, but so many unfortunate things happened to me this week. If this is Allah's way of punishing me for my sins, then alhamdulilah because this is nothing than compared to the Fires in Hell. So insyaAllah I will brave this through.

I hope I can walk properly again. It is going to take some time for my knees to heal & I have to stay away from all sorts of physical activities for at least a year, for my knees to get really better. Else it'll swell, & cause water retention.

2 leg injuries within a year. Just how more clumsy can I get? Sometime early this year, I sprained my ankle. Then towards the end of this year, just yesterday; I dislocated my knee.

Spraining my ankle; okay well that's nothing new because I sprain my ankle at like almost every single year of my life. Sprained it once during a 2.4KM run when I was in Sec 1. Sprained it again during a Student Council camp when I was in Sec 3. Sprained it again when I was leading a Sec 1 Orientation camp when I was in Sec 4. & the most recent one, I sprained my ankle again sometime months back, during a game of Captain's Ball, & I am in Year 1. Lol, the way I see it; spraining my ankle has sorta almost become like a yearly-tradition for me.

Dislocation of my left knee; this is something new. But it is definitely not a good way to end the year. I dislocated my left knee by accident, while I was doing a flash mob hip-hop dance performance with my classmates, at Changi CityPoint yesterday.

I was amazed at the crowd of people who were watching us doing the dance performance. So while I was having fun, dancing happily to the music, my left leg suddenly wobbled to the left, I lost my balance and heard a louddd crack coming from my knee. I screamed and I fell forward towards my friend Zahirah. The performance was still ongoing, & I didnt want to create a commotion; but I still did anyway.

For a moment, I couldn't move an inch, at all. I couldn't feel my toes and I thought I was paralysed. The weird thing was, although the pain was excruciatingly painful, I didn't cry. I guess the pain was just so unbearable that I could hardly even think about crying. So Corey and Irah came over, grabbed me by my arms, lifted me up, and carried me to the bench sitting area. Corey is a certified lifeguard. It's a no wonder that shes got so much strength to carry me all the way to the bench! Irah; she's pretty strong too.

Then Sree rushed to a nearby restaurant to get a bag of ice. I was clutching Irah's hands sooo tightly as Corey applied the ice on to my knees. Irah sweetpie, if you're reading this, I am soo sorry if I've hurt your hands! I didnt mean to! Sree & Corey are certified first aiders I think because they were so confident of what they were doing. They applied the RICE treatment on my knees. It's a basic first aid treatment kinda thing. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate(RICE).

When the performance was over, it was time to return back to school. The school bus was waiting. Most all the other students have boarded the bus back to school. Except for my class. My classmates were already in the bus, well except for me, Corey, Holly, Sree & Irah. We were still stucked inside that giant shopping mall and the exit was like so farr away. I could hardly walk, & it was so baddd that I can't even limp.

Syazwan, Qyisti, Xun then came running to my aid. By then, Corey and Irah were halfway carrying me towards the exit. They got a little tired, and let the boys to carry me instead.

Qyisti: Eh alamak susu you don't mind ah we carry you up?

Me: Nono its okay, just get me outta hereee! My knees are killing meeeee!

Xun: Dont worry Susu, we got muscles!

To think that we could still afford to joke around and laugh about, in the middle of an emergency situation like this? HAHA!

Qyisti: Okok ready Xun? You take left, I take right. Kay Susu put your arms around out neck. We're gonna lift you up at the count of 3. 1,2,3 UP!

So they carried me quickly towards the exit. As it was the lunch hour period, the mall was really packed. So Corey & Irah directed the human traffic by saying 'excuse me' to the members of the public, in all sorts of tone. Lol. So we became the center of attraction. Finally we made it out from the mall safely.

Here comes the next hurdle; crossing the traffic light. This time, they had to run. I mean we. So like a tarzan, the boys went "ahhhh", and I screamed "eeeeeeee put me down(x100)" all the way until we reached the end of the traffic road, safely. Lol, although I was in great pain, the whole process of them helping me out was sooo comical. By then, we were only about 500m away from the school bus. I told them to put me down and that I'll try to limp my way to the bus. They refused and continued to carry me all the way to the doorstep of the bus.

Then, I had to take the bus-stairs. Syazwan & Xun were already on stand-by. They reached their hands out for me, and I managed to get up on the bus. Okay but I accidentally knocked onto Xun's head, & then bam my knees became wobbly again and I fell to the bus floor. LOL, sorry Xun! I finally got myself a seat. Then my classmates in the bus clapped their hands in joy. LOL. Pheww.

When we were back in school, once again, I became the center of attraction of everybody. Everyone asked what happened etc, & I had to repeat the entire story a hundred times to different different people. Lol. Then came Miss Tan; my S&W teacher. She told me that I had probably tore the meniscus in my knees and that I should go to the hospital for X-Ray & MRI scan immediately. I'll have to go for a minor operation to cure that and it'll take about 2-3years to heal. Hearing that, I criedddd because the thought of having to go through MRI scans and operation, freaked me out. Miss Tan comforted me and gave me a crutch. I will have to rely on crutches for these few weeks/months.

Then along came Ms Iris, and she will submit an accident report for me to the section head so that I could claim the insurance money from the school etc.Then it started to rain heavily. I don't mind limping alone all the way to the MRT station home. But the weather made it impossible for me to do so. So Mr Tan then offered to drive me home, alhamdulilah.

When I reached home at night, my parents took me to Khoo Teck Phuat hospital. I had to be seated in the wheelchair upon reaching the hospital. My dad pushed me from the back. When we entered the A&E area, all eyes were on me, on my leg. It was sooo embarrassing! I felt so paiseh because I was the youngest to be seated on a wheelchair. I scanned around & realised that most all other patients who were in the wheelchair are mostly senior citizens. Uh-oh. Lol.

X-ray was done, and the doctor assured me that I was lucky because my bones coulddddd have been fractured. But it didn't, thank God. So it was just a bad sprain & there's a ligament tear between my shin and the kneecap. So my knees are a little wobbly and it looks a little bit out of shape. Ouch. So they had to bandage my knees, to keep the bones in my knees intact, & in place. He prescribed me some painkillers and I was given a week's worth of MC.

Me: Wow. One week of MC? No way doctor, I just need two days. I'll be missing out on a lottt!

Doctor: But you really have to rest your knees my dear. You were soooo close to fracture. So no S&W for you for 6months and absolutely no more dancing for the time being.

Dad: Stop being stubborn, will you?

Me: Ohmy. Okay fineeeee. Brr. )':

I'm resting at home now, having a greattt time ordering my sister around to do things for me; LIKE A BOSS! Haha. I feel a little guilty too because my mum have to do everything for me. I can't walk around much and I can't even stand-up straight. O Allah, I hope that I could walk properly again! Alright, sorry for this abrupt ending. I'm so tired. My whole body is aching because I've been limping around with crutches. And that's tiring. Sooo, wish me well folks! Make doa' for me! =D

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