
Ya Allah

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Why Me?

I am slow in Tajweed. Why me?

My knees are injured. Why me?

I'm bad at Math. Why me?

& the list goes on.

But Susu, Allah never throws you deeper than you can go. He throws you from such a height where He knows yes you may fall, gain a few scratches, and open wounds, but He also knows how much sabr, tolerance and will power you have to stand back up. Yes we all complain, moan and cry saying 'why me' but oh dear self. Did you forget that this life is a test? Allah is making you, not breaking you. He is by your side, He is your shadow and your guiding light. Every event is a blessing, and your reaction to the event is a test. Come what may, hold on tightly to your faith Susu, don't let it go.

O Allah, give me eyes that see the best in people. Give me a heart, that forgives the worst. Give me a mind that forgets the bad. And give me a soul, that never loses faith.

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