
Planet Earth

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Planet Earth

Nothing I say here, can comfort your situation, except with the powerful words of Allah and His messenger. Allah says in the Quran: 'Verily in the remembrance of Allah do the hearts find peace'. [13:28] This goes out to all the brothers and sisters out there, who are in extreme difficulties, on the verge of losing hope, to those who fear poverty for their families, and to those whose hearts feel content when they hear the praise of Allah.

What will it take for you to realise that Planet Earth is actually beautiful? You're missing out on a lot in life, if you keep thinking negatively. Sure, we may all have had a bad past. But learn to let go. Let go of the past, screw all that negative thoughts away and watch this video clip. It's an incredibly beautiful one and really, this could literally just bring you to tears. It reminds of how much our planet Earth has to offer. This video is a must watch, if you haven't. It'll just take 3 minutes of your time away. This planet is subhanallah an amazing one. It's a beautifuuuuuuuul planet. It makes me want to travel around the world and witness all these beautiful sight with my very own set of eyes.

If Allah has created this world with so much perfection, then can you imagine what it will be like in Jannah? Subhanallah. Which reminds me of a hadith: In Jannah are things that an eye has never seen, an ear has never heard, and a mind that have never imagined. [ Hadith Sahih Bukhari ]

When Allah promises the believers Jannah, just this promise is enough. Because when you compare Jannah to Dunya, subhanallah at the differences. The Prophet s.a.w mentioned in a hadith: On the Day of Judgement, Allah will bring the believer who suffered the most in the Dunya and He will dip him into Jannah for one moment. Then He will ask: O my servant, have you ever felt any suffering in your life? The servant would then say: O Allah, I never felt any suffering at all. So one moment in Jannah is sufficient to make him forget all the pain and sufferings he had, throughout his stay in Dunya. Subhanallah at that right?

In this life, there's always going to be that one thing you wish for but you never get. That one mistake you wish you can erase but can never take back. And most of all, that one memory you wish you could keep, and would risk anything just to have it back again. Sigh. I think I left my heart and mind in Jakarta. Because I keep dreaming about Jakarta every single night! I still dream about walkng throught that little Kampung. I miss the people there sooo much O Allah.

And I still have lots of stories to share about my trip in Jakarta. But I'll save that for later; because I'm still working on the entries. There's just sooo many things to talk about. Through my nine day stay in Jakarta, I think I might have had developed a passion for travelling. & I probably might have even developed a passion for people too!

Personally, I don't quite fancy going to the first-world countries because I think they're just a waste of money, lol. There's more to life than just luxury. Don't you think so? The furthest country that I've ever been to before? Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong & Macau. List of countries currently awaiting on my wishlist? Palestine. Cambodia. Africa, Thailand, Phillipine, Vietnam and many more. Actually, I've always had this hugeeeee dream about wanting to travel to all the third-world countries in the whole wide world and then make a documentary out of it. But my biggest biggest biggest dream of all time, would be for me to visit the city of Madinah with that true man who will guide me to Jannah, insyaAllah. Geez.

I want to walk into their villages, learn about all the different cultures, mix with the village people, and buy lots and lots of goodies for the children there. If I'm rich enough, I would loveeee to set up a school, in one of the countries there. That's another one of my dreams actually. Lol see, I've got sooo many dreams but they hardly ever come true. But insyaAllah, kun fayakun! One day maybe, I'll be known as the next Bill Gates? Hehe! And the reason why I want to set up a school for these poor children is because I think that, the only way out of poverty would be through good education. Agreed?
For every single scoop of rice that I get to eat at home everyday, I know for a fact that a poor soul somewhere out there in this world, is dying from starvation. When Steve Jobs died, the whole world cried. But when the poor peasants died, nobody cared. I really want to travel around the world and see what life is really like for these people and view the world from another perspective point of view. The idea of going musafir sounds good, but lol I don't think I'm prepared for that yet. Hees.

It makes me so sad to see all the things that's going on in the world, but I can't do anything to help. The only think I can do is to make a doa'. O Allah, make Your Love the most beloved thing to me of all loves, and make my fear for you the most fearful thing to me of all fears. Free me the necessities of this world by granting me a desire to meet You. When the eyes of the people of the world are cooled by their worldly belongings, let my eyes be cooled by Your worship. Ameen. <3

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