In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
We have reached, the month of Ramadhan. Many reduce fasting to a simple exercise; in empathy with the poor.
While that may be true, the real purpose of fasting is for us to attain
Taqwa (God-consciousness). This is a month full of baraqah from The Almighty, so...
Pray, for the souls who did not make it to this Ramadhan.
Pray, for the souls who will not make it, through this Ramadhan.
Pray, for this may well be, your last Ramadhan.
Pray, for the souls who will not make it, through this Ramadhan.
Pray, for this may well be, your last Ramadhan.
*Sharing Session*
My current read: Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed.
I have summarised some of the contents to the best of my ability,
to give you that extra spark, to fuel our Ramadhan insyaallah.
to give you that extra spark, to fuel our Ramadhan insyaallah.
There are many ways to fall, but no fall is more tragic than a fall in one's Deen. If you wish to turn your life around, begin with the solat. Many have been deceived into thinking that they need to first turn their life around, before they can start to pray.
Such a person is like one who has dirt on the body, but refuses a
shower because he foolishly insists on waiting for the dirt to
miraculously disappear by itself. Just like how a shower could clean
physical dirt from our body, the Solat; it cleanses our soul.
What happens if we continue to refuse the shower? Our body will emit a bad small.
But what happens if we refuse to solat? Nothing good, could ever come from the soul of the one, who abandons the solat.
We feed our bodies, because if we don't, we die.
Yet we starve our souls, because taubah can wait.
Ironically, the body we tend to is only temporary, while the soul we neglect is eternal.
So can taubah really wait, when death knows no age?
With that, if you wish to turn your life around, start performing the solat. There can't be a better time to start this new regime (if you haven't been praying at all), than in the most blessed month of all months, Ramadhan.
So can taubah really wait, when death knows no age?
With that, if you wish to turn your life around, start performing the solat. There can't be a better time to start this new regime (if you haven't been praying at all), than in the most blessed month of all months, Ramadhan.
And I take this opportunity, to humble myself before you beautiful souls,
to seek forgiveness, especially if any of my postings has shown a lack of adab, and or akhlak on my part.
Addua' biddua'.
Ahlan ya Ramadhan. (:
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