
Rise For Tahajjud

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

 "If there is something you want in life, but aren't praying Tahajjud for it, then you don't really want it." - Sheikh Yasir Qadhi.

Rise for Tahajjud, Suhaidah.
Get out of bed, and perform Tahajjud. 
If not now, then when?

Ustaz LH (pseudonym) led us in Qiyam last night, and his tazkirah about the importance of Qiyam, was thought provoking. An instant eeman booster, here is a short excerpt of the tazkirah in which I have translated from Malay into English.

'If things did not go the way you had wanted it to be, know that He has a better plan for you. But if it happens all too frequently, then you should begin to question the state of your spiritual being. Your ruh. You may have all the money and knowledge in the world, but without a strong ruh, there is only very little that you can achieve.

This is why we have been blessed with day and night. So that we can maintain hablum minallah & hablum minnannas. During the day time, we focus on hablum minallah. We focus on building good relationship with people. We interact with Muslims and non-muslims alike, with good akhlak. And at night where it is most peaceful, we can work on hablum minallah. This is where we spend some time alone with Allah, to reflect on ourselves. We do our muhasabah, we ask for His Mercy, we ask Him for forgiveness.

The beautiful thing about waking up in the third of the night to speak to Allah, is that it teaches the heart to be humble. Our internal spirtual being, must be strong. Let His kalamullah enter your soul, and with His Mercy you will get His blessings insyaallah.

When he blesses your soul, wouldn't things then all fall into the right place?
Let Tahajjud be your own special private time with Allah.

So rise, for tahajjud. 

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