
Relationship with Allah

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Title: Relationship with Allah

I am probably not the best of person whom you can come to, to seek for advice. So consider whatever that I am typing here, as a piece of sharing instead of looking at it as an advice. Everything that is written here, is shared to the best of my knowledge. Here's a little something that I think is worth for us to ponder about.

After every fardhu/sunnah prayer, we would do our doa' to Allah asking for all goodness in this life, and in the next. But sometimes, I find myself rushing through my doa'. As I articulate my doa' out, there are a hundred of other things that's running through my mind at the same time. There's just so many things that I want to ask from Allah. And sometimes, I make so many doa for other people that I forget to make one for myself. I've heard from an ustaz that it is always good to make a doa for yourself first, and then you make a doa for others.

I am not quite sure on how true that statement is and if I were to ever make a doa' for myself, I would really only dare to ask for forgiveness from Allah swt for the many sins that I have committed. Because sometimes, I don't think I am deserving enough to ask Allah for anything else, except for His Mercy, and His Forgiveness. How can I live a life, without asking for His forgiveness? How can I still enjoy all the nikmat that he has bestowed upon us with ease, when I know that I am always engaged in sins but hardly ever ask for His forgiveness?

Many times, it happens that Allah doesn't answer our prayers because we don't have a relationship with Allah. Firstly, we have to develop a strong relationship with Allah, then we follow His command and seek direction from Allah in every matter of life. Our will should obey His will. After developing a bond with Allah only then, will we feel comfortable to address our needs and concerns to Him.

Prayer is not a magic button. It doesn't come true instantly. By compelling us to make an effort, Allah wants us to truly grow and learn by sufferings. Most of the time, we do not understand His intentions, His will, and teachings, due to our limited knowledge. He knows what we know not, doesn't He? Husnozhon, always think positively of Him.

Sometimes, Allah answers our prayer, but not in the way that we hope or want it to be. But Allah hears the prayers of everyone. It is heartbreaking to know that when someone does not receive an immediate, favarouble answer from Allah, one would that assume that Allah either didn't hear the prayer or doesn't care to answer. What we fail to realise is that when we make a doa' to Allah, it means that we are leaving all our affairs to Him, to decide the best outcome for us. & by that, it means that we should accept the outcome favourably.

And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not know. [Al Baqarah, 2:216]

The soul still seeking for peace,
Suhaidah Amran 

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